Thursday, September 17, 2015

Deploying the Apache CXF Fediz simpleWebapp to Jetty

On previous tutorials about Apache CXF Fediz, I have always described deploying the simpleWebapp example that ships with Fediz in Apache Tomcat. However, Fediz also supports deploying secured applications in Jetty (7 and 8 as of yet, support for Jetty 9 is forthcoming). As it can be somewhat confusing setting up the security requirements correctly, I will cover briefly how to deploy the simpleWebapp in Jetty 8 in this blog post (see the Fediz wiki for a dedicated page on deploying to Jetty).

1) Deploying the 1.2.0 Fediz IdP in Apache Tomcat

As per the previous tutorial on deploying to Tomcat, we will deploy the IdP and STS in Apache Tomcat. Download Fediz 1.2.1 and extract it to a new directory (${fediz.home}). To deploy the IdP to Tomcat:
  • Copy ${fediz.home}/idp/war/* to ${catalina.home}/webapps
  • Download and copy the hsqldb jar (e.g. hsqldb- to ${catalina.home}/lib
  • Copy idp-ssl-key.jks and idp-ssl-trust.jks from ${fediz.home}/examples/samplekeys to ${catalina.home}.
  • Edit ${catalina.home}/conf/server.xml and change the ports from 8080 -> 9080 + 8443 -> 9443 so as not to conflict with Jetty.
  • Edit the TLS Connector in ${catalina.home}/conf/server.xml' as well, e.g.: <Connector port="9443" protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol" maxThreads="150" SSLEnabled="true" scheme="https" secure="true" clientAuth="want" sslProtocol="TLS" keystoreFile="idp-ssl-key.jks" keystorePass="tompass" keyPass="tompass" truststoreFile="idp-ssl-trust.jks" truststorePass="ispass" />
Now start Tomcat, and check that the IdP is live by opening the STS WSDL in a web browser: 'https://localhost:9443/fediz-idp-sts/REALMA/STSServiceTransport?wsdl'

2) Deploying the simpleWebapp in Jetty 8

Download Jetty 8 and extract it to a new directory (${jetty.home}). First let's set up TLS:
  • Copy ${fediz.home}/examples/samplekeys/rp-ssl-key.jks to ${jetty.home}/etc
  • Copy ${fediz.home}/examples/samplekeys/ststrust.jks to ${jetty.home} *and* to ${jetty.home}/etc
  • Edit ${jetty.home}/start.ini and make sure that 'etc/jetty-ssl.xml' is included.
  • Edit ${jetty.home}/etc/jetty-ssl.xml and configure the TLS keys, e.g.:

Now we will deploy the simpleWebapp:
  • Copy ${fediz.home}/examples/simpleWebapp/src/main/config/fediz_config.xml to ${jetty.home}/etc
  • Do a "mvn clean install" in ${fediz.home}/examples/simpleWebapp
  • Copy ${fediz.home}/examples/simpleWebapp/target/fedizhelloworld.war to ${jetty.home}/webapps
  • Create a new directory: ${jetty.home}/lib/fediz
  • Copy ${fediz.home}/plugins/jetty/lib/* to ${jetty.home}/lib/fediz (note you may want to copy in a slf4j logging binding in here to see logging output, e.g. slf4j-jdk14-1.7.12.jar).
  • Edit ${jetty.home}/start.ini and add "fediz" to "OPTIONS".
  • Create a new file in ${jetty.home}/contexts called "fedizhelloworld.xml" with content as follows, and then start Jetty as normal:

3) Testing the service

To test the service navigate to:
  • https://localhost:8443/fedizhelloworld/  (this is not secured) 
  • https://localhost:8443/fedizhelloworld/secure/fedservlet
With the latter URL, the browser is redirected to the IDP (select realm "A") and is prompted for a username and password. Enter "alice/ecila" or "bob/bob" or "ted/det" to test the various roles that are associated with these username/password pairs.

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